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Register Below

Classroom Only: The classroom sessions will be as dynamic as always. This is evident by the top-notch clinicians that we have this year. At every general session and in each breakout, there will be several NFL officials as well as some of the best collegiate officials in the country. So, if you choose not to work on the field, there will still be significant opportunities for you to learn more about our beloved avocation!


Instant Replay: Although just added, we expect that our Instant Replay Training will be as beneficial to you as the other components of the TBFOC. The Replay Breakout is for anyone interested in taking their football officiating skills and knowledge to the replay booth. Replay equipment will be available in the breakouts. You’ll cover rules, philosophies and mechanics as you have the opportunity to work real game situations.

Please note: 1. Assignments are made based on when you register. Please be cognizant of the availability of your primary position when making your 2nd and 3rd choices. 2. When making on-field assignments, the TBFOC may interchange positions.


Official Information

Emergency Contact

Officiating Profile

Do you belong to a rules study group?
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Work For
Applied To
Select One:
Work For
Applied To
Select One:
Work For
Applied To

Breakout Session Position Preference

To register for Instant Replay, select "Replay" from the position preferences listed below.

Position Preference 1
Position Preference 2
Position Preference 3
Select Your Shirt Size:
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